
As WOOF Animal Rescue is a 100% Volunteer run organization, we rely on donations from our community to keep the organization alive and well. In order to make it as easy as possible to make a contribution, we have several methods listed below. Since we are now a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, your donations are tax-deductible. Please request a tax-receipt for your records! Thank you in advance for your generosity!

Cash or Check

Cash or Check donations are the best way to donate to us, as we are able to use 100% of your donation towards our mission. If you would like to contribute via cash or check, please write checks out to WOOF Animal Rescue and send to:

WOOF Animal Rescue
PO Box 1607
Fremont, CA 94538


We accept PayPal donations. If you choose to use PayPal, please consider that your donation is subject to a fee of 2.9% + $0.30. If you want the full value of your donation to be used by WOOF, please consider adding a buffer to your contribution to account for PayPal's fees (i.e. if you were interested in donating $100, you would actually donate $103.30).
An easy way to figure out how much you should donate to offset PayPal's fee is to:

  1. Add $0.30 to your contribution
  2. Divide that number by 0.971. This will give you the magic number!

To donate via PayPal, click the big, yellow, Donate button to the left.

Sponsor an animal

Many times, we rescue an animal that is need of some rehabilitation before he/she is ready to be adopted. This might be as simple as a behavioral adjustment, or as serious as surgery. If you are interested in seeing your donation go towards a particular animal, consider sponsoring one from their profile or visiting our general fundraiser at YouCaring . At the very least, if you are unable to contribute, share our website and our animal's story with your social network. Who knows, you might even end adopting them after they are rehabilitated!