
In February of 2016, after extensive medical treatments, we unfortunately lost our little rescue pup of eleven years. Grieving, we didn't think we'd ever find one that would fill our hearts as much as little Nicky did. He had not only filled our hearts but was also a Hug A Pet where he and I would visit Rest Homes as well as the Library where children would read to him spreading his love wherever we went.
After months of grieving. although deep down feeling there could never be another to fill that void, I began a casual search on various rescue sites in our area. My husband and I would never consider buying a pup from a Breeder knowing there are so many loving dogs out there only wanting to be given a chance and with so much love in their hearts.
In June of 2016, I saw a posting from Woof Rescue of a cute little white pup that had been found wandering the streets and inquired if we could meet him, all the while still feeling he couldn't possibly fill our void but nonetheless feeling compassion for him having had a rough time.
We set up a meeting at the Niles Dog Show and arrived early that morning and waited for the Foster Family to arrive, both my husband and myself a little doubtful due to the fact he was stated to be a Toy Poodle and didn't consider ourselves "Poodle People"!
A short time later, I turned around and glanced up towards the parking lot and spotted a little white pup not walking but prancing our way! (My husband later stated he knew I was a goner from that moment forward) We were immediately introduced to Sammy and upon asking if I could pick him up, he not only was friendly but actually placed his paws around my neck hugging me back in return! Had we found our pup?
It is now a year later and we often state that our little Nicky must have sent Sammy to us to again fill the void in our hearts with love.
Sammy, according to our Vet. is now three years old, two when we adopted him, and immediately adjusted to our home and lifestyle. He was housebroken already and never slips in the house, and although crate trained for evenings which we had never done, now sleeps in the bed beside me and if I happen to stay up a little later than normal, will head towards the bedroom to remind me it's time for bed! He doesn't favor either of us when it comes to spreading his love and during the day while my husband is at work he will follow me wherever I go and either jump on my lap or lay at my feet if I am doing something. We take our walks, myself in the mornings, my husband in the evenings keeping all of us healthy and couldn't be happier with him being the smartest pup we have ever had as well as behaving as a gentlemen when we travel and while staying in hotels or homes that we rent while on vacation.
Although we didn't know upon adoption, Sammy does not shed, and thoroughly enjoys his grooming every five weeks where he is trimmed in a Teddy Bear cut (no poodle cut for us!) and will actually proudly show off his appearance by prancing around the house and yard! Such a proud little boy!
We made it a point to not only visit the pound since his adoption but Woof Rescue at the Dog Show as well, to show that we all contributed to not only saving Sammy's life, but our life as well by once again filling our hearts with love!
I just wish everyone would give a Rescued pup a chance rather than buying a pup from a Breeder or shop. They have so much love to give and we have personally found that they remember and know you have rescued them and show their appreciation every day through their companionship and love
With heartfelt thanks.